Ensminger Lab

Our Drone Crew’s Cutting-Edge Flight Missions

Our Drone Crew, Emilie, Sylvain, Gregory, Siyu, and Luke, recently completed an exciting drone flight mission at both the Turkey Point and Pickering sites. Armed with a new technology, the team deployed a UAV equipped with a lidar and hyperspectral camera, capable of capturing unparalleled data from above. Before taking to the skies, the crew

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SURF 2024!

Congratulations to Maria Proskurina and Samira Kamal Eddin who presented their ROP research at the Summer Undergraduate Research Fair on August 20th, 2024. Maria presented her in-depth study on drought tolerance in Picea glauca, utilizing both destructive and non-destructive methods. Meanwhile, Samira explored the impact of soil moisture on the turgor loss point across various

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Decoding Plant Resilience: Turgor Loss Point Insights from Pintendre, Quebec

At our Pintendre experimental site in Quebec, part of the Fastpheno project, Grace and Emilie embarked on a field mission to collect fresh plant samples. Their objective? To determine the turgor loss point (TLP), a key indicator of plant water stress. In simple terms, TLP is the water potential level at which plants begin to

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