
Velasco, V., Ferreira, A., Zaman, S., Noordermeer, D., Ensminger, I., Wegrzyn, J.L. (2022). A long-read and short-read transcriptomics approach provides the first high-quality reference transcriptome and genome annotation for Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas-fir) G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, jkac304.
Wong, C., Mercado, L., Arain, M.A., Ensminger, I. (2022). Remotely sensed carotenoid dynamics improve modelling photosynthetic phenology in conifer and deciduous forests. Agricultural and Forest Meterology, 321.
Harikumar, A.; D’Odorico, P.; Ensminger, I. (2022) Combining Spectral, Spatial-Contextual, and Structural Information in Multispectral UAV Data for Spruce Crown Delineation. Remote Sens.

D’Odorico P, Schönbeck L, Vitali V, Meusburger K, Schaub M, Ginzler C, Zweifel R, Velasco VME, Gisler J, Gessler A, Ensminger I (2021) Drone-based physiological index reveals long-term acclimation and drought stress responses in trees. Plant, Cell & Environment.
Porcar-Castell A, Malenovský Z, Magney T, Van Wittenberghe S, Fernández-Marín B, Maignan F, Zhang Y, Maseyk K, Atherton J, Albert LP, Robson TM, Zhao F, Garcia-Plazaola JI, Ensminger I, Rajewicz PA, Grebe S, Tikkanen M, Kellner JR, Ihalainen JA , Rascher U, Logan B (2021) Chlorophyll-a fluorescence illuminates a path connecting plant molecular biology to Earth-system science. Nature Plants.
Harikumar A, Wang.S, Ensminger I (2021) A Band Grouping Based Approach for Phenotypic-Class Mapping of Tree Genotypes Using Spectro-Temporal Information in Hyperspectral Time-series UAV Data. IGARSS
Noordermeer D, Velasco VME, Ensminger I (2021). Autumn Warming Delays the Downregulation of Photosynthesis and Does Not Increase the Risk of Freezing Damage in Interior and Coastal Douglas-fir. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 4, 688534.
Chang C, Braeutigam K, Huner NPA, Ensminger, I (2021) Champions of Winter Survival: Cold acclimation and Molecular Regulation of Cold Hardiness in Evergreen Conifers. New Phytologist. (Invited Tansley Review)

Ensminger, I (2020) Fast track diagnostics: Hyperspectral reflectance differentiates disease from drought stress in trees. Tree Physiology. doi: 10.1093/treephys/tpaa072
Harikumar A, D’Odorico P, Ensminger I (2020) A Fuzzy Approach to individual tree crown delineation in UAV based photogrammetric multispectral data. IGARSS 2020. doi: 10.1109/IGARSS39084.2020.9324303
Ostria-Gallardo E, Larama G, Berrios G, Fallard A, Gutiérrez-Moraga A, Ensminger I, Manque P, Bascuñán-Goday L, Bravo LA (2020) Decoding Gene Networks Modules That Explain the Recovery of Hymenoglossum cruentum Cav. After Extreme Desiccation. Frontiers in Plant Sciences.
Fréchtette E, Chang CYY, Ensminger I (2020). Variation in the phenology of photosynthesis among eastern white pine provenances in response to warming. Global Change Biology
D’Odorico, P., Besik, A., Wong, C. Y. S., Isabel, N., & Ensminger, I. (2020). High-throughput drone based remote sensing reliably tracks phenology in thousands of conifer seedlings. New Phytologist
Wong, D’Odorico, Arain, Ensminger (2020) Tracking the phenology of photosynthesis using carotenoid sensitive and near-infrared reflectance vegetation indices in a temperate evergreen and mixed deciduous forest. New Phytologist,
Ostria-Gallardo E, Larama, G, Berríos G, Fallard A, Gutiérrez-Moraga A, Ensminger I, Bravo, L (2020): A comparative gene co-expression analysis using self-organizing maps on two congener filmy ferns identifies specific desiccation tolerance mechanisms associated to their microhabitat preference. BMC Plant Biol 20, 56 (2020).
Ritter SP, Lewis AC, Vincent SL, LL Lo; Almeida Cunha AP, Chamot D, Ensminger I, Espie GS, Owttrim G (2020) Evidence for convergent sensing of multiple abiotic stresses in Cyanobacteria. Biophysica et Biochmica Acta,

Wong C, D’Odorico P, Bhathena Y, Arain A, Ensminger I (2019) Carotenoid based vegetation indices for accurate monitoring of the phenology of photosynthesis at the leaf-scale in deciduous and evergreen trees. Remote Sensing of the Environment,
Junker-Frohn LV, Kleiber A, Jansen K, Gessler A, Kreuzwieser J, Ensminger I (2019) Differences in isoprenoid-mediated energy dissipation pathways between coastal and interior Douglas-fir seedlings in response to drought. Tree Physiology,
Duan Q, Kleiber A, Jansen K, Junker LV, Kammerer B, Han G, Zimmer I, Rennenberg H, Schnitzler J-P, Ensminger I, Gessler A, Kreuwieser J (2019) Effects of elevated growth temperature and enhanced atmospheric vapour pressure deficit on needle and root terpenoid contents of two Douglas fir provenances. Environmental and Experimental Botany 166,

Wong, D’Odorico, Arain, Ensminger (2020) Tracking the phenology of photosynthesis using carotenoid sensitive and near-infrared reflectance vegetation indices in a temperate evergreen and mixed deciduous forest. New Phytologist,
Du B, Kreuzwieser J, Dannenmann M, Junker LV, Kleiber A, Hess M, Jansen K, Eiblmeier M, Gessler A, Kohnle U, Ensminger I, Rennenberg H, Wildhagen H (2018) Foliar nitrogen metabolism of adult Douglas-fir trees is affected by soil water availability and varies little among provenances. PLoS ONE 13,

Kleiber A, Duan Q, Jansen K, Junker VL, Kammerer B, Rennenberg H, Ensminger I, Gessler A, Kreuzwieser J (2017) Drought effects on root and needle terpenoid content of a coastal and an interior Douglas fir provenance. Tree Physiology doi:10.1093/treephys/tpx113
Junker L, Kleiber A, Jansen K, Wildhagen H, Hess M, Kayler Z, Kammerer B, Schnitzler J-P, Kreuzwieser J, Gessler A, Ensminger I (2017) Variation in short-term and long-term responses of photosynthesis and isoprenoid-mediated photoprotection to soil water availability in four Douglas-fir provenances. Sci Reports 7: 40145

Junker LV, Ensminger I (2016) Fast detection of leaf pigments and isoprenoids for ecophysiological studies, plant phenotyping and validating remote-sensing of vegetation. Physiologia Plantarum
Hess M, Wildhagen H, Junker LV, Ensminger I (2016) Transcriptome responses to temperature, water availability and photoperiod are conserved among mature trees of two divergent Douglas-fir provenances from a coastal and an interior habitat. BMC Genomics. 17:682, doi: 10.1186/s12864-016-3022-6
Neophytou C, Weisser AM, Landwehr D, Šeho M, Kohnle U, Ensminger I, Wildhagen H (2016) Assessing the relationship between height growth and molecular genetic variation in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) provenances. European Journal of Forest Research. doi: 10.1007/s10342-016-0946-y.
Junker LV, Ensminger I (2016) Relationship between leaf optical properties, chlorophyll fluorescence and pigment changes in senescing Acer saccharum leaves. Tree Physiology. doi: 10.1093/treephys/tpv148.
Fréchette E, Chang CYY, Ensminger I (2016) Photoperiod and temperature constraints on the relationship between the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) and the light-use efficiency of photosynthesis in Pinus strobus. Tree Physiology; doi: 10.1093/treephys/tpv143.

Du B, Jansen K, Kleiber A, Gessler A, Ensminger I, Eiblmeier M, Rennenberg H, Kreuzwieser J (2015) A coastal and interior Douglas fir provenances exhibit different metabolic strategies to deal with drought stress. Tree Physiology. doi: 10.1093/treephys/tpv105
Chang CY, Unda F, Zubilewich A, Mansfield SD, Ensminger I (2015) Sensitivity of cold acclimation to elevated autumn temperature in field-grown Pinus strobus seedlings. Frontiers in Plant Science. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00165

Jansen K, Du B, Kayler Z, Siegwolf R, Ensminger I, Rennenberg H, Kammerer B, Jaeger C, Schaub M, Kreuzwieser J, Gessler A (2014) Douglas-fir seedlings exhibit metabolic responses to increased temperature and atmospheric drought. PLoS ONE 9(12): e114165. doi:10.1371/journal.pone. 0114165
Du B, Jansen K, Junker L, Eiblmeier M, Kreuzwieser J, Gessler A, Ensminger I, Rennenberg H (2014) Elevated temperature differently affects foliar nitrogen partitioning in seedlings of diverse Douglas fir provenances. Tree Physiology. doi: 10.1093/treephys/tpu074

Hüner, N.P.A., Bode, R., Dahal, K., Busch, F.A., Possmayer, M., Szyszka, B., Rosso, D., Ensminger, I., Krol, M., Ivanov, A.G., Maxwel, D.P. (2013) Shedding some light on cold acclimation, cold adaptation, and phenotypic plasticity. Botany 91, 127-136.
Jansen, K., Sohrt, J., Kohnle, U., Ensminger, I., Gessler, A. (2013) Tree ring isotopic composition, radial increment and height growth reveal provenance-specific reactions of Douglas-fir towards environmental parameters. Trees – Structure and Function 27, 37-52.

Müller, T., Ensminger, I., Schmid, K.J. (2012) A catalogue of putative unique transcripts from Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) based on 454 transcriptome sequencing of genetically diverse, drought stressed seedlings. BMC Genomics 13, 673 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-13-673.

Fréchette, E., Ensminger, I., Bergeron, Y., Gessler, A., Berninger, F. (2011) Will changes in root-zone temperature in boreal spring affect recovery of photosynthesis in Picea mariana and Populus tremuloides in a future climate? Tree Physiology 31, 1204-1216.

Herschbach, C., Rizzini, L., Mult, S., Hartmann, T., Busch, F., Peuke, A.D., Kopriva, S. & Ensminger, I. (2010): Overexpression of bacterial g-glutamylcysteine synthetase targeted to plastids affects growth, sulphur metabolism and photosynthesis in grey poplar (Populus tremula x P. alba). Plant Cell & Environment 33, 1138-1151.

Prior to
Busch, F., Hüner, N.P.A., & Ensminger, I. (2009): Temperature and light cause disparate responses in chlorophyll fluorescence and leaf spectral reflectance during experimental spring recovery of photosynthesis of winter acclimated Jack pine. Functional Plant Biology 36, 1016-1026.
Busch, F., Hüner, N.P.A.,& Ensminger, I. (2008): Increased Air Temperature during Simulated Autumn Conditions Impairs Photosynthetic Electron Transport between Photosystem II and Photosystem I. Plant Physiol. 147, 402-414.
Porcar-Castell, A., Juurola, E., Nikinmaa, E., Berninger, F., Ensminger, I., & Hari, P. (2008): Seasonal acclimation of photosystem II in Pinus sylvestris. I. Estimating the rate constants of sustained thermal energy dissipation and photochemistry. Tree Physiology 28, 1475-1482.
Porcar-Castell, A., Juurola, E., Ensminger, I., Berninger, F., Hari, P., & Nikinmaa, E. (2008): Seasonal acclimation of photosystem II in Pinus sylvestris. II. Using the rate constants of sustained thermal energy dissipation and photochemistry to study the effect of the light environment. Tree Physiology 28, 1483-1491.
Ensminger, I., Schmidt, L., & Lloyd, J. (2008): Soil temperature and intermittent frost modulate the rate of recovery of photosynthesis in Scots pine under simulated spring conditions. New Phytologist 177, 428-442.
Busch, F., Hüner, N.P.A. & Ensminger, I. (2007): Increased air temperature during simulated autumn conditions does not increase photosynthetic carbon gain but affects the dissipation of excess energy in seedlings of the evergreen conifer Pinus banksiana. Plant Physiology 143, 1242-1251.
Ensminger, I., Busch, F. & Huner, N.P.A. (2006): Photostasis and cold acclimation: Sensing low temperature through photosynthesis. Physiologia Plantarum 126: 28-44 (Invited review).
Sveshnikov, D., Ensminger, I., Ivanov, A.G., Campbell, D.A., Lloyd, J., Funk, C. Hüner, N.P.A. & Öquist, G. (2006): Excitation energy partitioning and quenching during cold acclimation in Scots pine. Tree Physiology 26: 325-336.
Ensminger, I., Foerster, J., Hagen, C. & Braune, W. (2005): Plasticity and acclimation to light reflected in temporal and spatial changes of small-scale macroalgal distribution in a stream. Journal of Experimental Botany 56 (418), 2047-2058.
Slot, M, Wirth, C., Schumacher, J., Mohren, G.M.J., Shibistova, O., Lloyd, J. & Ensminger, I. (2005): Regeneration patterns in boreal Scots pine glades linked to cold-induced photoinhibition. Tree Physiology 25 (9), 1139-1150.
Ensminger, I., Sveshnikov, D., Campbell, D.A., Funk, C., Jansson, S., Lloyd, J. Shibistova, O.& Oquist, G. (2004): Intermittent low temperatures constrain spring recovery of photosynthesis in boreal Scots pine forests. Global Change Biology 10(6), 995-1008.
Ensminger, I., Hagen, C., & Braune, W. (2000a). Strategies providing success in a variable habitat: I. Relationships of environmental factors and dominance of Cladophora glomerata. Plant, Cell & Environment, 23(10), 1119–1128.
Ensminger, I., Hagen, C., & Braune, W. (2000b). Strategies providing success in a variable habitat: II. Ecophysiology of photosynthesis of Cladophora glomerata. Plant, Cell & Environment, 23(10), 1129–1136.
Ensminger, I., Xylander, M., Hagen, C., & Braune, W. (2001). Strategies providing success in a variable habitat: III. Dynamic control of photosynthesis in Cladophora glomerata. Plant, Cell and Environment, 24(8), 769–779.
Perdomo, L., Ensminger, I., Espinosa, L. fernanda, Elster, C., Wallner-kersanach, M., & Schnetter, M.-L. (1999). The Mangrove Ecosystem of the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (Colombia): Observations on Regeneration and Trace Metals in Sediment. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 37(8–12), 393–403.