Dr. Ingo Ensminger

Ingo is a Professor in the Department of Biology at the University of Toronto Mississauga. He studies plant-environment interactions and the mechanisms by which global environmental change impacts metabolism and photosynthesis of plants from molecular to leaf, species and ecosystem level. Current research projects focus on (i)developing tools for monitoring carbon uptake and for high-throughput-phenotyping of climate relevant physiological traits on various spatial and temporal scales using remote sensing and drones, and (ii) on examining the physiological, biochemical and molecular mechanisms that contribute to adaptation and acclimation of trees to warmer and drier climate.

Monika Peterkova
HBSc Student
Sean Ong
HBSc Student
Diery-Leando Saint-Vil
HBSc Student

Dr. Aravind
Postdoctoral Fellow

Duc M Le
HBSc Student

Kyle Do
HBSc Student

Ariana Besik
Clinical Research Coordinator, Toronto Western Hospital