Lab News

Aravind Harikumar

New publication from Aravind

A. Harikumar, P. D’Odorico and I. Ensminger, “A Fuzzy Approach to Individual Tree Crown Delineation in Uav Based Photogrammetric Multispectral Data,” IGARSS 2020 doi: 10.1109/IGARSS39084.2020.9324303. Nice job Aravind!

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Congratulations! Devin defends his MSc thesis

On Friday January 08, 2021 Devin defended his MSc thesis. The committee was impressed by the breadth of methods Devin had used and how he integrated the various types of data to evaluate how conifers manage water and temperature stress. Well done Devin!

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Congratulations Dr. Wong: Chris defends his PhD thesis

After his research seminar and final oral exam, Chris follows the UTM Biology tradition and adds his signature on one of the stem discs in the UTM Biology hallway. Well done! Chris successfully defended his PhD thesis, but due to the Covid 19 situation, this was a very different event….

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